

This website serves as a living portfolio for me, Dr. Austin T. Walden.

I have organized this site to reflect the three pillars of a professor’s work: teaching, inquiry & research, and service & leadership

Each section has artifacts that showcase my development and expertise in these areas, as well as reflective commentary. I have also included an introduction section containing my curriculum vitae, domain list, and transcripts. Finally, although my portfolio includes artifacts that highlight my expertise I view my portfolio and my development as a work-in-progress.


I consider myself a work in progress and seek to update this website routinely.


Biographical statement: Austin T. Walden, PhD, CFI/I, MEI, is an Assistant Professor at Kansas State University. 

Austin holds degrees in History, Public Administration & Leadership, and Educational Psychology. He holds a doctorate of philosophy (Ph.D.) in Educational Psychology with a cognate in Research, Evaluation, Measurement, and Statistics (REMS), and Aviation and Space Education (AVED) from Oklahoma State University in the College of Education, Health & Aviation.

He has taught courses in Aviation Sciences, Educational Psychology, Psychology, and Political Science/Government for a variety of institutions including Texas Tech University, Oklahoma State University, and most recently Kansas State University.  Outside of higher education, he is also an accomplished commercially rated pilot and certificated flight instructor.

His primary research interests revolve around predicting perseverance in aviation students using social achievement goals and related constructs. He presents frequently at conferences and is an active researcher. He currently serves as an ad-hoc reviewer for aviation research journals.